This is the right opportunity for you to sensibly invest your money in something that will give you amazing returns from day one.
Juice bar franchise in india.
Contact us to get your own juice lounge franchisee today.
8 australia s boost juice was launched in india as joost juice bars and now joost is all set to double its existing network in the country by extending its concept of fresh and healthy smoothies and juices.
10 30 initial investment.
Is it really worthwhile to become a juice lounge bar franchise.
Currently juice industry in india is evolving robustly as organised juice bars are opening doors on a national scale.
The first juice lounge bar came in to existence in the year 2005 in india.
Juice lounge is a pure vegetarian juice bar in india.
One of the key reasons juice lounge franchise is growing enormously is that the industry proffers options to franchisees to start an outlet of a well established brand.
Juice bar franchise industry in india promises a plethora of opportunities.
The small cafe type permanent and the street food type mobile.
The juice market is slowly and steadily brimming in india owing to several factors such as growing.
There is no doubt that indian juice industry is in its infancy at the moment while experts believe that the fresh juice market has the potential to grow in the future.
Juice lounge bar is a high quality juice shop that is well known for its quality.
It s a right market for those who want to invest less and earn high returns.
Along with his family he frequently visited the boost store at darling harbour and was taken by boost juice bars and its warm and active love life philosophy.
You can explore some of the established and well known juices smoothies dairy parlors franchises here.
Non veg food is allowed only at international branches that also if required by the franchisee.
Juice lounge was formed in may 2005 and is the first healthy juice bar chain of india.
100 fresh fruit juices.
In india alone juice lounge has its operations across 50 cities.
The company is opening new outlets every month.
In general there are two types of juice bar locations.
The juice bar brand of india.
Juice lounge is positioned as the best european concept juice bar chain.
In 2007 rituraj sinha md sis group security intelligence services india ltd was in sydney to chalk out details of the corporate buy out chubb security in australia.
Juice bars have already become a craze in india.
29 000 44 000 royalty fees.
Anyway a juice bar is a small place and the concept implies a wide range of drinks and a couple food items so both these types are pretty similar.
Decide on the type of juice bars.
We provide here some important information pertaining to juice lounge bar in the following paragraphs.
There were many who jumped and joined the league but we have clearly outnumbered all of them and stood ahead.